Our hair is said to be our crowning glory, and it is normal to want to improve our hair if it is not to our satisfaction. A function of the hair is to regulate the body temperature. Hair serves as a physical barrier between external cold air and the skin, and it also traps warm air in between the skin and the hair. In that way, a person will not suffer from severe cold. As we age, our physical appearance gradually changes. The overall hair density changes and the strands of hair become thinner, which will eventually lead to hair loss. We all shed about 100 hairs each day, but if you are losing more than that, then you may have some other problems. Some may be experiencing female-pattern hair loss also known as androgenetic alopecia. Although we cannot change our genes, there are things we can do to protect and maintain our hair. Losing our hair can be deeply distressing and affects all age groups, especially women. Whether ...