The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) is an economic rule stating that 80% of consequences (or outputs) come from 20% of causes (or inputs).  Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto came up with the rule in 1896.  The rule has been applied to everything from business management to sports training to closets, and this principle is also applied to diet – the 80/20 diet.

How it Works

To follow the 80/20 rule, you eat a "clean" diet 80% of the time and allow yourself to indulge 20% of the time.  This means that some people eat well during the week and relax a bit on the weekend.  The plan allows you to indulge on a regular basis without making you feel guilty.  This can be a balanced approach to a healthy diet and lifestyle for many people. 

The 80/20 rule diet is a healthy, less-restrictive eating option that does not feel like a diet.   Eating 80/20 is easier to follow than other diet plans because, it allows you to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation, while eating healthy at the same time. 

For the “80 percent” part of the plan, focus on drinking lots of water and eating nutritious foods that include:

  •        Fruits and vegetables
  •         Whole grains
  •         Lean protein, including plant-based proteins such as beans, and soy.
  •         Limited amounts of healthy fats from avocados or olive oil


 Look for lots of different colors, which mean lots of different nutrients.  These can be steamed, sauteed, roasted, or grilled to change the flavors and find what you like best.  Be mindful of the extra calories and salt in oils and sauces.

Whole Grains

 These can be had in your cornmeal, oatmeal, popcorn, quinoa, or brown rice.  Grains can also be consumed in bread and other baked products.  Try limiting snacks, cakes, and cookies made with refined grains as much as possible.  Adults should get around 3 ounces of grains a day (about 3 slices of bread or 1 ½ cups of rice).


Try using fat-free milk, yogurt, soy, and nut milks to cut back on saturated fat.  When having dairy fat, try and keep it to a minimum with low-fat versions of sour cream and cheese.   Most adults should aim for around 3 cups of dairy a day.


Beef, chicken, and pork are fine, especially when they are low in fat, but it is better for your health if it is mixed a little.  Fish, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, soy, and eggs add a variety of tastes for your palate and nutrients for your body.  Adults should get 5 to 6 ounces of protein a day, including about 8 ounces of seafood each week.

For the other
"20 percent" part, eat your favorite foods in moderation.   You may eat a small piece of your favorite cake today, and have a drink of your favorite wine tomorrow—just not both at the same time.   This way of eating is easier to maintain than stricter diets which limit carbs and processed foods.

After you have eaten healthy most of the week, it is time to reward yourself.  You might have a slice of cheese cake as a splurge at lunch, a glass of wine at dinner, or ice cream treat for dessert.  Please try not to over-do it and let all the hard work go in vain.  Try and pick a day or days each week to indulge, and try not to think of your meals as punishment or rewards.  Think about enjoying your healthy meals and the bonus of the special treats.  As a result, you never deny yourself the pleasure of eating a small portion of something you love.

If you are trying to lose weight, you might want to be a little more specific and splurge for 20% of the recommended number of daily calories.   Instead of having a double bacon cheeseburger and soda that you only get once in a while, you could include treats into everyday eating.   Have a grapefruit sprinkled with sugar at breakfast, and some fresh whipped cream and berries for dessert.  This way you can enjoy eating every day and keep a positive attitude towards food.

To be successful with the 80/20 rule, trying staying within the guidelines as often as possible.  Because the 80-20 diet features a healthy, balanced diet with a few splurges, it may help you shed a few pounds if you use it to cut down on fattening foods and watch your calories.   Once you burn more calories than you take in, you are likely to lose weight.

Exercise is a very important part of any diet plan.  Dieting alone is not usually enough to get you where you want to be, if you are trying to lose weight.  Try to have about 30 minutes of exercise each day to help your body burn more calories.  Weightlifting or pushups helps build muscles which burns calories all day long.  If you cannot hit the gym, a few laps around the block is a good way to get moving.

The amount of weight you lose following the 80/20 rule depends on how healthy your eating patterns were before you started 80/20 rule diet.  Portion control and moderation are very important with this 80/20 rule.  It is possible to exceed your body's energy needs and gain weight, even though you are eating healthy foods.  Even if the calories being consumed are healthy ones, they still count.

Following the 80/20 rule can also help you keep a balanced mindset about eating.  It removes the guilt and stress associated with dieting, and allows you to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.  It is also beneficial for people with diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic conditions.

People are different, some people enjoy a little freedom at the end of the week, while others would rather indulge a little every day.   Try and consult your doctor or a dietitian about whatever you decide.  Age, sex, weight, and overall health status all play a part in what is a healthy diet for each individual.   You also need to bear in mind that the 80-20 diet is not right for everyone.  Some diseases can get worse if a lot of salt, fat, or sugar is consumed, even once in a while, so splurge meals can be a bad idea.


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